Sapphire Cove
Horshoe Bay, Bermuda
Photographic Story:
After nearly 4 years shooting only black and white Florida images, I needed an exotic island photography adventure for the summer of 2014. I happen to have family who lived full time in Bermuda, so I spent nearly 3 weeks exploring every end of the island, as well as zipping around on a small rental motorcycle. When I needed a break during the sunny afternoons, I spent some time swimming in Horshoe Bay, enjoying its clean, cool, sapphire colored water. I climbed a steep, rocky cliff to get an aerial perspective of these massive rock formations, along with the most beautiful, near phosphorescent water I’ve ever seen. This was shot with my trusty Fuji GX617 camera, with a massive 6x17cm slide on Fuji Velvia 50 film. You have to see the big final print to really enjoy the colors!