S.S. Minnow
Peanut Island, Florida
Photographic Story:
This wild split image was created at Peanut Island, a famous palm-tree lined hangout inside the Palm Beach Inlet. Boats frequent sink and run aground here, becoming an expensive nuisance for Palm Beach county. This particular shipwreck was unusually photogenic, since it was a much older wood boat right up against the island – allowing a split under/over shot with my custom made 16″ dome and underwater camera. For weeks, I traveled via paddleboard to reshoot the shipwreck until I got something interesting under the boat – maybe one of the sea turtles, manatees, or rays that frequent the area. This curious sea turtle was chowing on some grass near my feet, got board of me, and then slowly swam away when I finally captured this image.
Below is a behind-the-scenes photo of the artist with the type of camera used to create this image.